Fun Things to do During Social Isolation
To reduce the spread of the virus, social distancing is being urged. That means avoiding public places to the degree possible and, when it’s unavoidable, trying to stay six feet away from anyone else. It also means that large crowds are excellent places to stay away from. Some states and municipalities have even imposed guidelines and restrictions on the size of gatherings allowed.
BUT that doesn’t mean you have to sit in a room by yourself and wonder what to do for the next few weeks (or months). And it doesn’t mean that you’re stuck inside the house. You can still go for a walk or a hike, you can go for a bike ride, do some gardening, play fetch with the dog in the back yard.
Tis the Season to be J̶o̶l̶l̶y̶ Stressed?
The Christmas season can be lots of fun – the shopping, the presents, the food, the parties, the get-togethers with friends and family.
It can also be a particularly stressful time of year – the shopping, the presents, the food, the parties, the get-togethers with friends and family.
Christmas stress affects more people than you might think. A recent survey conducted by Healthline revealed that 62 percent of the people surveyed reported that they found the Christmas season to be “somewhat stressful” or “very stressful”.
Embarrassing Period Stories and Why You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed
Kaitlyn Luckow
I remember being in middle school and always so excited to read the next issue of Seventeen Magazine. And the first page I would turn to? Embarrassing period stories.
I would sit there and giggle, but most importantly, it helped me realize that I wasn’t alone. If these awesome people could make it out of these embarrassing stories still being the badasses that they were, maybe I would be okay.
However, as I’ve gotten older, it has become even more than that. I have realized that these “embarrassing” period stories weren’t embarrassing.
I did a little research into the word “embarrass” and it’s the feeling of discomfort.....
Just What the Heck is Nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is, according to one government site, “science, engineering, and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers”. (A nanometer is really, really small – it takes more than 25 million of them to make an inch.)
Richard Feynman, an American physicist, is credited with having introduced the concept of nanotechnology in 1959, although the term “nanotechnology” wasn’t coined until 1981. Feynman’s idea was that things could be made much smaller. For instance, in 1959 computers were massive; some of them weighed literally tons and took up entire rooms. Feynman theorized that they could be made much smaller using nanotechnology. He was bang on about that. Computers keep getting smaller, faster, and better with nanotechnology.
Apart from not having to build an extra wing to your house for your home computer, there are many other applications of nanotechnology in use and in development.
Maternal Mortality: The Causes and the Solutions
Kaitlyn Luckow
Every day, 830 women die from maternal mortality throughout the world. That’s approximately 290,500 women a year who die from complications of giving birth.
According to the World Health Organization, maternal mortality occurs when a woman dies while pregnant or within 42 days of the termination of the pregnancy. The majority of maternal deaths occur due to severe bleeding, infection, high blood pressure, complications from delivery, and unsafe abortions.
What Michael Scott Can Teach Us About Feminism
Kaitlyn Luckow
“That’s what she said!”
Someone that shouts that joke every chance he gets may not seem like he would be feminist icon material. You might be thinking, Kaitlyn, are you kidding me? Michael Scott is probably the last T.V. character I would label as a feminist.
However, after binging The Office far too many times than I care to admit, I’ve come to the realization that this is, in fact, the case.
Let's Talk About the Non-binary Representation in Our Period Conversation
Kaitlyn Luckow
Oftentimes when we write and talk about menstruation, it’s easy to talk about just women who menstruate or refer to girls and use “she/her” pronouns. But it’s important to understand and be aware of the limitation of this kind of dialogue.
By gendering menstruation in this way, we are actually ostracizing people who aren’t women or individuals who don’t identify with “she/her” pronouns.
Let’s make one thing clear: menstruating does not make someone a woman, not menstruating doesn’t make them not a woman, and women aren’t the only individuals in this world that menstruate.
We need to make sure that we are telling everyone’s stories.
How Schools Can Help End Period Poverty
Kaitlyn Luckow
Imagine living in poverty and having to choose between feeding your family or buying feminine hygiene products.
This is a reality for more than 16.3 million women in living in the United States. According to the National Women’s Law Center, women are 38% more likely to live in poverty than men, and women of color experience poverty at a much higher rate than white women.
Women and girls who are living in poverty often have to sacrifice buying menstrual products in order to help pay for other necessities. This is largely due to the high price of menstrual products and the fact that they are taxed as “luxury items”. However, menstrual products are just as necessary as food, water, shelter, and other hygiene-related products.
What Is The Tampon Tax?
Kaitlyn Luckow
Image by Tim Marshall
Imagine having to pay for something that was natural and completely out of your control.
Guess what?
We’re doing it.
Over the past few years, news and social media campaigns have brought light to the issue of the “tampon tax”, also known as the “pink tax” in America as well as the rest of the world. Perhaps like you, I had no idea that this tax even existed until a few years ago. And I was just as taken aback as many people–and remain confused even today.
People are outraged and are demanding change because of this tampon tax, but do we fully understand what the tampon tax is?
- Nonwovens Industry Natural Hygiene: A Niche No More
- Wtin: Nannocare introduces biodegradable plastic packaging
- Masslive: Providing Free Period Products for those Adversely Affected by COVID-19 Crisis
- Carey the Torch: Fem Care on the Rise
- C|Net: 11 everyday products that relieve pain with far-infrared therapy
- Whole Foods Magazine: The Hot Spot in Naturals
- New Hope: KeHE recognizes 10 new products at 2019 Summer Show
- Bustle: Nannocare Menstrual Pads Claim To Alleviate Period Cramps & Here’s What You Need To Know
- Hello Giggles: These pads are supposed to help with period cramps, and cool, we'll take a 2-for-1
- Well & Good: The new menstrual pad that's taking on cramps
- Elite Daily: The NannoPad Relieves Period Cramps All On Its Own, So Say Goodbye To Your Ibuprofen
- PureWow: NannoPad Could Relieve Your Menstrual Cramps - PureWow
I had no idea upon finding this product that my life would change forever and for the better! This technology has helped relive pain and discomfort throughout my menstruation which typically tends to be awful and disruptive to daily activities. Nothing I say can express how wonderful this company is. Just get out there and try it for yourself!!
My new favorite pads! It eliminates my cramps to a minimum and lessen my period days. I love that it’s organic and there’s no chemicals.
I definitely noticed a difference in using Nano. I was miserable my next cycle without them. They have great protection and my cramps didn’t hurt as much! Highly recommend using them.
I love these pads! They are the only ones that help with the terrible discomforts during my period. Plus, I'm going through perimenopause and having these on hand is a life saver
I do get extremely bad cramping for about 2-3 days, I did feel much better and only took one dose of pain pills for my cramps. I do like these, I took off one star for feeling wet. I do like to feel wetness, I despise feeling that way. A bit of chaffing as well. Now that could be on me because my menses lasts me up to 9 days sometimes. I did love of how everything I needed came in one little box. Very convenient.
I have been using these pads for almost 2years, my daughter and I love them to the moon and back,they are amazing,I used to hate my period,now, I don't mind cause I have the best pad ever, excellent product. THE BEST
I would highly recommend the Nanno pads to any woman, especially those who suffer from menstrual issues. This type of pad is literally a life saver. I was highly allergic to other brands which caused much discomfort. I came across these at my local CVS and they were the best. I won't use any other brands. You will be very pleased they help to lessen menstrual cramps and they are more pure.
I have purchased this product once before and that prompted me to purchase more. I can say they help with coverage during your heavy days. I like the fact that they are thinner than most brands.
I love these pads sooo much. They actually do help with my period pain and so absorbent, don't smell at all... literally perfect!
I have been using Nannopads for the past few months. I've held off writing a review because I wanted to really see if there is a difference between more natural products & that of the big manufacturers. Welp! I can safely say...I don't miss the heat that the plastic on most pads make you feel all day. I don't miss the minute crinkling sound as I walk with a "traditional" pad. And, I don't miss my privates perspiring & irritation! So, I recommend highly recommend Nannopads!
My review may seem a little biased. I didn't purchase these for my cycle. I purchased these based off the fact I was having major surgery and I would need pads during recovery . What drew me in, was the fact it was suppose to help with discomfort and they weren't the typical pad. So far, I love these pads. I don't feel like I'm wearing a pad, especially how even the thins in other brands felt bulky. Since I'm still recuperating, these have helped me through the spotting and I've noticed there has been a reduction in discomfort.
For the first time in over 20 plus years I didn't have to take any medication during my menstrual cycle. While I did experience some discomfort, it was tolerable without pain medication. Now I'm a bit of a skeptic, so even after the amazing results, I had to wait for a second cycle to post my results. Comparing the two cycles I consider the first cycle a "light" (not the norm for me) which consist of me talking about 1800mg of motrin during each of the first two days. The next cycle was a doozy, ( the norm) which usually consist of me taking the 800mg of motrin every six hours and still having discomfort. I'm very excited to report I only had to take 400mg of motrin during the first 24hrs. These results are amazing, on my worst cycle the nanno pad significantly reduced my pain. I have given the nanno pads to my nieces, I'm hopeful they see the same results since they too suffer from cramps. LIFETIME CUSTOMER!
These are the best pads I’ve ever tried! They are super absorbent so I feel more confident wearing them. I really didn’t see much of a difference in my cramps but I’m ok with that. The only thing I would change is to make to panty liners a little longer or have an option for longer ones.
I had some of the most debilitating cramps a few days ago and my mom gave me these NannoPads. I put it on and literally within 20 mins my cramps were going away. I couldn't believe it. Now I am the person who pops in an Advil or ibuprofen to get rid of the pain because I am a workaholic and I NEVER want to miss work. BUT I hate painkillers so the fact that I found a product that is natural AND SO EASY to help relieve my cramps is very exciting for me.
I have no idea what is in these pads, but they are wonderful! I normally have horrible backaches and migraines and it seemed when I was using these pads, I didn't experience any migraine pain and very little back pain, I am a full-time college student and my period usually keeps me out of school one day a month and this month, I was able to attend school every day, as I did not have any discomfort that was so extreme that 1 had to miss classes! Please tell me what this product is! Thanks again for letting me be n part of this great study and letting me he practically pain-free for at least one month of my period!
Instagram Feed
- A Period and a UTI at the Same Time? Nooooooooooo!
- PCOS – What is It? Why is It? Now What?
- How Does Your Period Affect Your Skin?
- Just What the Heck is Nanotechnology?
- What a Healthy Female Friendship Looks Like And How to Make It Happen
- Is Your Shampoo Making Your Period Worse?
- What You Need to Know about Endometriosis
- Irregular Menstrual Cycles. What’s Up With That?
- What Men Think About Menstruation
- Pros and Cons of Using Organic pads