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Stella A,
I felt like my cramps were less severe, I also felt like the pads helped with odor control.
Glori M,
I felt the pads not only kept me dry and did not cause and leakage but most importantly they helped with my cramps. | definitely felt as a result of using the pads my cramps were more manageable as | felt a lot less pain and was able to do normal activities without having to worry about the pain being so bad.
Natalie K,
I was really happy with these pads. I used to have very severe cramps right before my period and on the first day of my period but this product really worked for me. I still had cramps but they did not hurt as much as they usually hurt me. I was very happy with this product.
Torrie M,
I really didn't think it was possible for a pad to help with cramping so | didn't think it would do anything. I was very surprised that I had no cramping at all! I started using them a few days before I probably should have but my period was about 3 days later than expected. I really liked the bigger pads as it covered more area for night time.
Margie P,
I had not a lot of pain the way I have every month, it puts me down in bed for four days or more, I was very surprised that I was able to clean up my house, and go places without any pain what so ever.
Emma M,
To say I’m pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. Nannocare DOES was both absorbent and subsided my cramps about 70-75% – which is huge!
Cindy F.
I have no idea what is in these pads, but they are wonderful! I normally have horrible backaches and migraines and it seemed when I was using these pads, I didn't experience any migraine pain and very little back pain, I am a full-time college student and my period usually keeps me out of school one day a month and this month, I was able to attend school every day, as I did not have any discomfort that was so extreme that 1 had to miss classes! Please tell me what this product is! Thanks again for letting me be n part of this great study and letting me he practically pain-free for at least one month of my period!
Pamela R.
I have to admit I was skeptical about these pads but they did seem to make my period much more tolerable. I typically suffer cramps for almost my entire period and the pain ranks 10+, So for me the reduction level to a 5-6 is significant. My daughter is also Interested in trying them as she suffers cramps as well though typically for only one day.
Trista D.
I have fallen in love with everything from Nannocare. I literally don’t want to leave the house without a panty liner because they truly keep you fresh feeling all day. As for the actual pads, I have been able to go from lying in bed with a hot water bottle and popping Motrin, to being able to go on like any other day due to the reduction in cramping and overall pain. I highly recommend this product even if you are a hard No against pads (which I totally get because that was me), at least give it a shot. I will take pain relief over anything.