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What Nannocare Means to Us

Nannocare Team

‘Tis the season... as we reflect on the past year here at Nannocare, our growth has been breathtaking. We have had the honor of selling over 100k packs of pads and positively changing the lives of those who experience their period and were waiting for something new. A day doesn’t go by where we receive an email, review or comment on social media and we aren’t humbled by the overwhelming support and genuine love for our pads. It is ingrained in our company culture to do with a purpose! We all started on this journey together to make an impact on the quality of life for both us and the planet. 

We may be small but we are big in heart! Daily, we are always striving to lessen our carbon footprint but increase our space in the heart of consumers. Bringing NannoPad to market and starting off with the support of local Los Angeles natural stores and growing to over 5k locations really puts our dedication into perspective. We have captured the hearts of those in the United States, Canada and Mexico and are continuously growing our global presence. Our commitment to excellence led us to developing and implementing biodegradable packaging and wrapping, always using 100% organic cotton and we won’t stop there! 

Our team culture makes being a part of Nannocare effortless. We are collective yet individual and we each possess strengths that move us onward and upward in all our endeavors. Within the environments of our office walls, plane cabins, hotel rooms, special events, non-profit buildings and convention centers comes inspiration and glee to know that we are a part of such an integral part of our customer’s lives. 

Here are what some of our team members have to say:

“I am incredibly proud and thankful to be a part of a company that aims to help women everywhere! Being given the creative freedom to do what I love doing, while working together with the most amazing, talented individuals, in a supportive and collaborative environment, definitely makes every working day something to look forward to. It’s truly humbling to see how many lives have been positively impacted by NannoPad and our continuous hard work. I’m very excited to bring about greater changes in the lives of many more women in 2020! Let’s go, Nannocare!”

-Natasha S., Digital Marketing Manager

“Being brought into the Nannocare team is one of the best things that has happened for my career. I still get excited daily, seeing all the great feedback from our customers via social media, email, and our website, very rewarding. Being able to see the change we’re making in women’s lives has truly been a blessing to me. It still motivates me every day to do what I do and brings more innovation, to conquer the challenges, and to not only be the change but also help other people to be the change.”

-Xiaolin L., Chief Development Officer

“Words cannot truly define how Nannocare has changed not only the world of feminine care but my life, outlook and mindset as well. I stand tall and proud knowing I’m a part of such a forward-thinking company where the authenticity and sincerity is as abundant as air and the possibilities are endless!”

-Victoria M., VP Sales & Business Development 

“It might be odd to say how I got excited about this technology as a man. But the fact of seeing so many women receives benefits of this product still amazes me every day. I think I made the right decision.”

-Paul VK. Founder & Chief Executive Officer

As we look to next year and beyond, there are many ways in which we want to foster the growth of education on period health and ensuring natural feminine hygiene products are accessible to all. We are more than a feminine hygiene company, we are a strong team of women and men who know we want to make a difference and will stop at nothing less than excellent! Here’s to maximizing life, period

Read a recent interview with a Nannocare’s team member here (Fem Care on the Rise via Carey the Torch).

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