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There’s No Time Like the Present

Victoria. M

With the year coming to an end, it is a time when everyone reflects on what they have accomplished, what they are working on and what to plan for. Don’t let another year or day go by without making yourself and your health a priority. 
With the daily grind always on GO; it is easy to let taking care of yourself fall by the wayside. From stopping at a fast food restaurant for a quick bite, skipping a workout or picking up an item at the store that you would not normally use because you don’t have time to hit your favorite health store. 
Take time to slow down and remember that planning and time management go hand in hand. If you can give yourself a few moments to plan your morning, week or even an evening shopping trip it will save you the trouble of backtracking and thinking of how you could have done it better!

This year, I want you to pat yourself on the back for all of the hard work you put in and give yourself recognition of all the things you have accomplished. For next year, I want you to make a vow to yourself to always be better than the day before and know that each day is a new day. That means do not hold on to the past- be it 5 minutes ago or 5 months ago. Focus on the positive, the happy, the healthy and strive for harmony.
It takes quite a bit of work to make things go right and only one second to “ruin” it all. Don’t worry - adversity builds resilience and resilience builds strength. 
Here is to the past, the future and most importantly the present. Live in the moment, plan for what is to come and be grateful for all you have and proud of all you have done.
Do you have any tips or things that you will try and implement in the new year, or even right away? Share it with us, we love to be inspired!

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