Product Review Terms & Agreement

Nannocare Inc (hereafter "Nannocare") and receiver of Nannocare product for review purpose (hereafter "Reviewer") hereby agree to the following stipulations concerning a product review of NannoDry (hereafter "Product"): Nannnocare will provide product to the Reviewer free of charge, including shipping costs, prior to the product release.

The Reviewer agrees to examine and assemble the Product properly, and to read and follow all included instructions and/or terms&agreements before testing. If there are any issues, the Reviewer agrees to notify Nannocare via and exchange product before continuing.

The Reviewer will have 30 days to use/examine/test the Product. The Reviewer will submit a review of the Product to Nannocare Inc by completing survey linked here no later than April 15th, 2021.

The review will be completely unbiased, with no text censored or removed except for inappropriate material or to meet a word count requirement. The review must meet standard grammar.

Nannocare agree that the Reviewer will be provided the product free of charge in return for an honest review. If the Reviewer does not meet these requirements, he/she/they will return the product no later than 30 days after the arrival of products.

The Reviewer may not resell the Product and agrees to release the review for commercial use by Nannocare Inc.

Effective Date: March 2nd, 2021. If there is any question, you may contact us at